Rahel Talts Ensemble is a fresh group that plays Estonian pianist Rahel Talts's music. The ensemble was created in 2020 autumn in Denmark, where Rahel also currently lives and studies jazz-piano. The band consists of fourteen musicians, who are from six different countries, which makes it exciting for everybody.

Rahel Talts Ensemble's music could be described as modern jazz, pop including strong, sweet melodies, different interesting rhythmic layers and sound pictures. The compositions are well thought-through and thoroughly arranged, but there is also a lot of room for improvisation and freedom in the music.


  • Isabella Østenby (DK) - piccolo 
  • Monica Vejgaard (DK)- flute 
  • Wojtek Morelowski (PL) - trumpet 
  • Donatas Petreikis (LT) - saxophone, vocals 
  • Ida Frederike Vermehren (DK) - vocals 
  • Kristýna Duchoňová (CZ) - violin 
  • Emilia Blaszczyk (PL) - violin 
  • Daniel Mortensen (DK) - viola 
  • Asger Agerskov Buur (DK) - cello 
  • Jacob Djursaa (DK) - guitar 
  • Rahel Talts (EE)- piano, synthesizer 
  • Mariusz Praśniewski (PL) - double bass 
  • Kasper Grøn (DK) - percussion 
  • Jesper Lørup Christensen (DK) - drums 

Marek Talts (EE)- acoustic guitar (track 2) 
Jakob Bänsch (DE)- flugelhorn solo (track 6)



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